Class Notes: Poetry from Lectures
Jan 12th, 2018
The Womb of Eternity
Born Again
Shall I be born thrice?
United to Adam first
What was it like
For the first parents
To see the umbilical cord
To cut it
We are birthed in pain and violence
Could the fathers have lost faith
And been damned?
What partitions they from me?
Jan 14, 2018
The best is yet to be
When the Bride is not beautiful
Still her Husband is
Yes, Christ is more lovely,
More stunning than me;
Aye, more than I could ever be
In all of my marred humanity.
Yet His scars are so grand
They draw me to my knees.
A fear within me wonders
If you could never love me,
If I proved to be unlovable.
But I know this is a scheming word
And truth proves Love's core
Has no merit, just so.
The L-rd knows me full and can love
Even this strange and quaking heart.
You also are reflective of His part
And might have loved if...
If things were all different than they are.
Jan 23rd, 2018
Before our birth
We were His death
Before Adam's flesh & Adam's bone
He saw the day He'd hang alone
As the curse from off the tree
So He was pinned and cursed
That G-d alone may ask of G-d,
"Why hast Thou forsaken me?"
Yet raising life He knew all this
Greeted Adam with a knowing kiss
Seeing Judas and the flood
But molding man,
His hand in our mud.
Jan 28th, 2018
My mind will not adhere
And no concept gives me rest
Because you are sitting there
Yet my heart is in my chest
It is so hard to keep it here in me
When it so wants to rest beside thee.
Feb 2nd, 2018
If I may only rest so easy
With a vacation by the sea
Rather than longing for a mud pie
Who will not even speak with me
The comfort of a loyal gollem
Bending where I send him
Even he cannot breathe
If Thy name remains unknown.
Feb 12th, 2018
What do I think when I consider Thee?
That you may look on me and blush
For I have behaved shameful
Or That Your presence I rush from
To ignore the gnawing in my soul
To ask, to beg, "L-rd make me whole!"
What do I feel apart from Thee?
Mayhaps I am numb with cold
No longer believing in Thy fire's heat
Or seeking youth, whilst growing old;
For that wish You might take me Home
Rather than living only to restless roam.
What do I need that is not in Thee?
You alone understand my inner being.
Eyes unbelayed by flesh and bone
Unhindered by time in all their seeing
Those eyes lead and be my fire bright
Because their seer is my heart's Delight!
Feb 19, 2018
A broken bow
As I humbly bow
Asking where my rest is found
You broke me L-rd
Because I grew eskew
Bind me L-rd
That I may bend anew.
Feb 20, 2018
I am sitting here
But I am running to You
My soul is searching to fall
Into your presence
Burn the dross and let me run
Further up and further in!
Cut open my chest O' Surgeon!
Make all my insides exposed to You!
Let me not sleep through the operation
But let me glean all your teaching
Pain can be endured
If we know that it has meaning.
I stood with a man on the shore
Us two in a city park
We gazed at the lights
We talked and talked some more
We prepared a sailing trip in the dark
A sail boat stalked with blank pages
In the daylight we'd meet.
Yet as I stood at the dock
I glanced at my clock
He sent me a note from the land
"Can't swim, can't sail, can't stand."
Thus he left me an armful of books in my failing.
Thus i charge you find a sailor for your sailing
And not a land-locked man,
Willfully wed to the shore.
Mar 19, 2018
How do I love thee
When thou art obnoxious,
Loud where I am silent,
Proud where I am shy?
Because I know your cunning,
That gleam in your knowing eye.
Because I've heard your gentle nothings
Gazing at the city skies.
We can give our full selves
If our full selves are found
Not fleeing from our holy calls
But playing fetch with heaven's hound.
Mar 21, 2018
Draw me in, my Father
Pin the page of publication
Declaring my marriage in
The pavilion of Your shelter
The kindness of Your wings
Before the whole assembly
In the faces of my enemies;
I was a thief and a harlot
But this day I am acquitted
This morning I am Your bride
Yes, even Yours whom aqquitted me!
Kiss me with the kisses of Your lips!
My Husband, Master I delight in
He says, "This daughter is my delight
Every pain is worth her wooing!"
And I can kiss those scars
Where my freedom publication
Also pinned down your hands.
The Womb of Eternity
Born Again
Shall I be born thrice?
United to Adam first
What was it like
For the first parents
To see the umbilical cord
To cut it
We are birthed in pain and violence
Could the fathers have lost faith
And been damned?
What partitions they from me?
Jan 14, 2018
The best is yet to be
When the Bride is not beautiful
Still her Husband is
Yes, Christ is more lovely,
More stunning than me;
Aye, more than I could ever be
In all of my marred humanity.
Yet His scars are so grand
They draw me to my knees.
A fear within me wonders
If you could never love me,
If I proved to be unlovable.
But I know this is a scheming word
And truth proves Love's core
Has no merit, just so.
The L-rd knows me full and can love
Even this strange and quaking heart.
You also are reflective of His part
And might have loved if...
If things were all different than they are.
Jan 23rd, 2018
Before our birth
We were His death
Before Adam's flesh & Adam's bone
He saw the day He'd hang alone
As the curse from off the tree
So He was pinned and cursed
That G-d alone may ask of G-d,
"Why hast Thou forsaken me?"
Yet raising life He knew all this
Greeted Adam with a knowing kiss
Seeing Judas and the flood
But molding man,
His hand in our mud.
Jan 28th, 2018
My mind will not adhere
And no concept gives me rest
Because you are sitting there
Yet my heart is in my chest
It is so hard to keep it here in me
When it so wants to rest beside thee.
Feb 2nd, 2018
If I may only rest so easy
With a vacation by the sea
Rather than longing for a mud pie
Who will not even speak with me
The comfort of a loyal gollem
Bending where I send him
Even he cannot breathe
If Thy name remains unknown.
Feb 12th, 2018
What do I think when I consider Thee?
That you may look on me and blush
For I have behaved shameful
Or That Your presence I rush from
To ignore the gnawing in my soul
To ask, to beg, "L-rd make me whole!"
What do I feel apart from Thee?
Mayhaps I am numb with cold
No longer believing in Thy fire's heat
Or seeking youth, whilst growing old;
For that wish You might take me Home
Rather than living only to restless roam.
What do I need that is not in Thee?
You alone understand my inner being.
Eyes unbelayed by flesh and bone
Unhindered by time in all their seeing
Those eyes lead and be my fire bright
Because their seer is my heart's Delight!
Feb 19, 2018
A broken bow
As I humbly bow
Asking where my rest is found
You broke me L-rd
Because I grew eskew
Bind me L-rd
That I may bend anew.
Feb 20, 2018
I am sitting here
But I am running to You
My soul is searching to fall
Into your presence
Burn the dross and let me run
Further up and further in!
Cut open my chest O' Surgeon!
Make all my insides exposed to You!
Let me not sleep through the operation
But let me glean all your teaching
Pain can be endured
If we know that it has meaning.
I stood with a man on the shore
Us two in a city park
We gazed at the lights
We talked and talked some more
We prepared a sailing trip in the dark
A sail boat stalked with blank pages
In the daylight we'd meet.
Yet as I stood at the dock
I glanced at my clock
He sent me a note from the land
"Can't swim, can't sail, can't stand."
Thus he left me an armful of books in my failing.
Thus i charge you find a sailor for your sailing
And not a land-locked man,
Willfully wed to the shore.
Mar 19, 2018
How do I love thee
When thou art obnoxious,
Loud where I am silent,
Proud where I am shy?
Because I know your cunning,
That gleam in your knowing eye.
Because I've heard your gentle nothings
Gazing at the city skies.
We can give our full selves
If our full selves are found
Not fleeing from our holy calls
But playing fetch with heaven's hound.
Mar 21, 2018
Draw me in, my Father
Pin the page of publication
Declaring my marriage in
The pavilion of Your shelter
The kindness of Your wings
Before the whole assembly
In the faces of my enemies;
I was a thief and a harlot
But this day I am acquitted
This morning I am Your bride
Yes, even Yours whom aqquitted me!
Kiss me with the kisses of Your lips!
My Husband, Master I delight in
He says, "This daughter is my delight
Every pain is worth her wooing!"
And I can kiss those scars
Where my freedom publication
Also pinned down your hands.
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