the INGRESS is a place where something ought to be. It is spacial, the orbit of a moon, the swing of a gate on its hinges. The INGRESS is where I am meant to be. And it is more than a path, this is a serious road.
THE intention I have for this blog is to talk about the INGRESS I am traveling, the struggles and doubts that I have when that road seems unapproachable, or the passion that stirs up when the beauty of glory shines through it. I'm learning, so be gracious with me. Nothing I say will be anything that has never been said (by a thousand saints) before. We all are walking or otherwise avoiding this same road, laid down before the foundations of the earth, in celebration of Man's relationship with G-d.
HOWEVER every Pilgrim belonging to this road has a nuance in his or her walk that brings a unique medium to their praise. Be prepared O' Reader for poetry, allegory, journal, and theology in the traveler's wake. This is how we can learn together and how what I am learning might not be wasted. Also it is one thing when you pursue righteous living on your own, it is another when there is companionship. As Donne said, "No man is an island," so encourage and be encouraged by me.
TIRZAH is a Hebrew name, meaning PLEASANT, DELIGHTFUL, FRIENDLY, WILL BE ACCEPTED, BEAUTIFUL and something to do with cedar trees. TIRZAH was one of Zelophehad's daughters, who upon her father's death went to Moses with her sisters and requested to have an inheritance in the land for the namesake of their father. These were the first women to inherit land in THE LAND. But I am named after a specific verse in the Old Testament many years after Tirzah was dead and buried. As my parents were newly married and discovered they were pregnant with me my Daddy found a verse and he knew that Tirzah was this baby's name. "My darling you are as beautiful as Tirzah, as lovely as Jerusalem, as majestic as a troop with its banners." Song of Solomon 6v4.
MY parents are, as am I, Messianic Jews. This adds a specificity to the perspective I have been given on this journey and I hope it will both delight and amaze you just as your perspective, if I were to see it, is delightful and amazing. We are all created in the image of G-d and as unique as fingerprints because we are covered in His fingerprints as is all of creation. As E. B. Browning said:
"Earth's crammed with heaven
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,
The rest sit round it and pick blackberries."
COME, take off your shoes with me.
THE intention I have for this blog is to talk about the INGRESS I am traveling, the struggles and doubts that I have when that road seems unapproachable, or the passion that stirs up when the beauty of glory shines through it. I'm learning, so be gracious with me. Nothing I say will be anything that has never been said (by a thousand saints) before. We all are walking or otherwise avoiding this same road, laid down before the foundations of the earth, in celebration of Man's relationship with G-d.
HOWEVER every Pilgrim belonging to this road has a nuance in his or her walk that brings a unique medium to their praise. Be prepared O' Reader for poetry, allegory, journal, and theology in the traveler's wake. This is how we can learn together and how what I am learning might not be wasted. Also it is one thing when you pursue righteous living on your own, it is another when there is companionship. As Donne said, "No man is an island," so encourage and be encouraged by me.
TIRZAH is a Hebrew name, meaning PLEASANT, DELIGHTFUL, FRIENDLY, WILL BE ACCEPTED, BEAUTIFUL and something to do with cedar trees. TIRZAH was one of Zelophehad's daughters, who upon her father's death went to Moses with her sisters and requested to have an inheritance in the land for the namesake of their father. These were the first women to inherit land in THE LAND. But I am named after a specific verse in the Old Testament many years after Tirzah was dead and buried. As my parents were newly married and discovered they were pregnant with me my Daddy found a verse and he knew that Tirzah was this baby's name. "My darling you are as beautiful as Tirzah, as lovely as Jerusalem, as majestic as a troop with its banners." Song of Solomon 6v4.
MY parents are, as am I, Messianic Jews. This adds a specificity to the perspective I have been given on this journey and I hope it will both delight and amaze you just as your perspective, if I were to see it, is delightful and amazing. We are all created in the image of G-d and as unique as fingerprints because we are covered in His fingerprints as is all of creation. As E. B. Browning said:
"Earth's crammed with heaven
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,
The rest sit round it and pick blackberries."
COME, take off your shoes with me.
Barefoot Believer, I am looking forward to your ponderings <3